When I think of why I picked a camera up it was always something special about looking through that viewfinder and knowing you were about to create something that froze time. So when I think of my Goal with my art, I truly plan to stop time and truly create a masterpiece that stands after I'm gone from this earth. The journey to even writing this all started as a half-assed dream I had playing football; a freak injury which allowed me to pick up my camera and shoot for my college team and I then realized where my truly calling was. Me being me, I still couldn't bring my dream to fruition. I truly believe things started pointing the right way when I lost those the most important to me, my Grandmother Melody Menard and Uncle Bryan Williams. After not knowing how I was even supposed to feel about losing such major influences in my life I simply shut down for a while. In shutting down I had time to think and with time to myself I remembered everything I had promised them I'd become. Those thoughts alone truly pushed me from the corner I was in to PierrePierreProductions, I may not even be scratching the surface but I know Today that I'm headed in the right direction. Because of my angels, whether or not I reach my goals I know I'll be able to look up with head held high.